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Executing dig, host, and nslookup queries

How to manually query Abusix Mail Intelligence

All queries must use the “APIKEY” from your account in app.abusix.com.

Query Basics

  • When querying for an IPv4 address, it must be in reverse order. e.g., to check if IP address is present on a DNS list, the octets must be reversed, and you would query for<list>.
  • For IPv6 addresses, these must be queried in reverse nibble format. e.g., to check if the IPv6 address 2001:db8::1 is present on a DNS list, you would query for “<list>.”
  • For domains, these are appended to the query, e.g., to check if domain example.com is present, you would query for “example.com.<list>.

If a lookup returns an address in, then the entry is present on that list; if nothing is returned (NXDOMAIN), it is not on the list.



To send a test query for an IP address to the test point, run one of the following commands:

# UNIX systems

$ dig +short<APIKEY>.combined.mail.abusix.zone.

# or

$ host -t A<APIKEY>.combined.mail.abusix.zone. has address
# Windows

> nslookup<APIKEY>.combined.mail.abusix.zone.

Non-authoritative answer:

Replace <APIKEY> with “Your API key” from your account in app.abusix.com.

If you do not receive "", then something is wrong. Check that your API key is entered correctly (it should be exactly 32 characters).

You may replace "combined" with any of the other Production Zones



To send a test query for a domain to the domain test point, run one of the following commands:

$ dig +short baddomain.org.<APIKEY>.dblack.mail.abusix.zone

$ dig +short okdomain.org.<APIKEY>.dblack.mail.abusix.zone

Replace <APIKEY> with “Your API key” from your account in app.abusix.com.

If you do not receive "", then something is wrong. Check that your API key is entered correctly (it should be exactly 32 characters).


Learn more about Abusix Mail Intelligence


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