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Blocklist Check Providers

Important info if you run a Blocklist Checker

Blocklist Check Providers

If you run a Blocklist Checker like MXTools, multivalli, … this is the right place for you.

Abusix provides a blocklist used by thousands of Corporations, Service Providers, Enterprises, smaller businesses, and even private individuals to improve their Email Security.

We would love to be part of your site, you might want to have us on your site to improve coverage for your users or customers, so it’s a Win-Win.

We’re happy to offer you access for free. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to abusix.com/free-trial and sign up.
  1. Once the Signup is finished, you’ll instantly have access to your API Key and can start querying immediately.
  1. Integrate our lists in your checker:
      • For IP addresses lookups  - please use the following: combined.mail.abusix.zone  (this is our aggregate zone for black, exploit and policy lists) authbl.mail.abusix.zone (Authentication Blocklist) noip.mail.abusix.zone  (Newly Observed IPs)
      • For Domain name lookups - please use: dblack.mail.abusix.zone (this is our mail domain blocklist) nod.mail.abusix.zone  (Newly Observed Domains)
      • For our welcome lists (ex. whitelist) - please use: white.mail.abusix.zone  (This can be used for IPs and domains)


If you send alerts for listings, please make sure that you do not send alerts for listings on our “Policy” list (return-codes and, “noip” or “nod” lists. You can use individual lists if you can’t selectively ignore specific return codes from our combined list.  e.g.  black.mail.abusix.zone and exploit.mail.abusix.zone

You can find documentation, including the return codes for all of our lists, here: https://docs.abusix.com/abusix-mail-intelligence/gbG8EcJ3x3fSUv8cMZLiwA/production-zones/iCox1CE9UoWUhGtRWdSaNm

4. Send us an email to support@abusix.com and tell us:

  • your email address you used to sign up with
  • if possible, a rough estimate of how many daily queries you’d make
  • a link to your Check Page

5. We will do the rest and switch you to a 100% free plan.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with support@abusix.com or use our live chat in the bottom right on all our sites.


Learn more about Abusix Mail Intelligence


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Click the chat button at the bottom and send us your questions. Alternatively, you can email us at support@abusix.com


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