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Frequently Asked Questions

I want to use ContactDB. Will I need to upgrade to one of your plans?

ContactDB is a free service, so you don’t need to subscribe or create an account to use it!

Do I need to provide attribution to the Abuse Contact DB when I use the service?

Yes, if you use the Abuse Contact DB for reporting to network owners, please place the following reference into every single report message you send to indicate you used the Abuse Contact DB to find the recipient’s abuse contact address:

Abusix is neither responsible nor liable for the content or accuracy of the abuse being reported in this message. The Abusix Abuse Contact DB provided only the abuse contact for the originating network for this report. This free abuse@ address, proxy DB service, is built on top of the RIR databases. Therefore, if you wish to change or report a non-working abuse contact address, please get in touch with the parent ASN operator or the appropriate RIR responsible for managing the underlying IP address on the abuse contact map. If you have questions about the DB, please visit https://abusix.com/contactdb/ or email support@abusix.com

Learn more about the Abuse Contact Database


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